Writer synonyms for cunt
Writer synonyms for cunt

writer synonyms for cunt

Geographical Features or Landmarks, like Grand Canyon or Flatbush Avenue. There is a general ambiguity to vague directions like these that could confuse people in fun ways. Cardinal South, like nether areas and downtown.

writer synonyms for cunt

But would we leave you alone in a dark cave of mysterious life-giving powers? Of course not. Here are some guidelines for vagina-nickname development: Perhaps the best use of your time and the greatest respect to your Individual Vagina, which deserves its own special sobriquet, is the route of invention. What does it mean? Who knows, but isn’t it fun? A particular favorite invention since the dawn of time is twitchet from 1926. Many old terms aren’t even words anymore but seem nonetheless plausible as vagina synonyms. People have been talking about and having vaginas for at least centuries. In the absence of an easy, neutral word, what about diving full-force into adventurous nicknames - actively weird descriptions of your choosing? St art with the annals of history. So, tift is out, and what are we left with? Use it with relish and love and abandon.” But language doesn’t work like that, and it turns out tift is a county in Georgia and an archaic word meaning to arrange stuff in an orderly fashion. I wish I could write to you and say, “Friends: I’ve found it. There isn’t some nickname, just waiting for us, that we haven’t realized yet. Our lack of a good term is not for lack of trying. said that even vagina seemed too harsh to describe a vagina he recommended the sound of a piccolo. Snatch almost works but has an unfortunate association with thievery and a 2000 Brad Pitt film of curious accents. There are no words for the female reproductive system that have the ease of dick. It is, sometimes, a stand-in for someone who is a jerk, but whatever, men can deal. It’s not loaded, it’s not weird or corny or goofy. People have been far better about naming dude genitalia. The addition of lady and naughty to the front of these is just embarrassing. Bits and parts imply something that’s incomplete but also severed, which is dumb or scary or both. A similar, but different, crock of nonsense is the euphemism that describes a vagina as a baby vehicle, like jaws of life. Names like hole or box or cockpit describe something that exists to be filled, and that’s some bullshit that has been bullshit since 1465 (with the noted use of the word socket). This whole realm of slang tends to be just as abysmal. Pussy is too porny vajayjay is preposterous cunt remains obscene. Where is the casual word for vagina that falls somewhere between childish nonsense and clinical terminology? Most contemporary terms are unacceptable to any discerning vagina-owner. Photo: Duncan Usher/Minden Pictures/Corbis

Writer synonyms for cunt